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It is often said in the field of normative ethics that "ought" implies "can". The Luciferian Perfection Order adheres to this precept and acknowledges that, sadly, structural constraints bar all but a few people from realising their full potential. For this reason, we are ardent social activists. A drastic restructuring of society is necessary if individuals are to have the opportunity to pursue intellectual, scientific, and aesthetic accomplishment! Capitalism != Individualism The Luciferian Perfectionist Order promotes an ethic of "soft egoism", for we . . . We prefer to the qualified term, if we use it at all, because, unlike certain more familiar egoist worldviews, egalitarian perfectionism could not be more opposed to dog-eat-dog capitalism. The disasterous consequences of capitalism for individual achievement are too many to list. For one, maximization of profit is the highest virtue of the market economy. Those who attempt to deviate from this norm risk . . . People are forced to accept mentally stultifying jobs merely to stay alive . . . Current Conditions Mandate Drastic Social Reform! As has been stated repeatedly, Luciferian Perfectionists believe self-actualisation to be the highest goal in a person's life. That does not mean, however, that we disregard others in our quest for personal acheivement. On the contrary, we realise that many persons are currently denied the opportunity to seek this goal, due to social ills that are no fault of their own. Thus, rather than turning a blind eye to the needs of society, we .... As we strive towards personal excellence, the needs of others remain at the forefront our mission. We will not retreat from society until . . . Note that the specifics mentioned under the following headings are directed towards the United States, since this is the current location of the LPO HQ. (We are, however, explicitly anti-American, hence our predilection for British English.) Luciferians in other nations, if they exist, are also encouraged to work towards appropriate social reform. It is supposed that a perfect system does not yet exist, not even in Sweden. Precept 1: Guaranteed Decent Standard of Living No one can enjoy knowledge, art, et cetera when his life is consumed with the demands of day-to-day survival. No one can think properly when he has no food to eat, no shelter, no health care. No one can put energy into scientific and cultural pursuits when he works two full-time, low-wage jobs just to afford life's basic necessities. No child can learn in this environment, regardless of how well-funded his schools. Any civilised society must provide its citizens with some basic standard of living--and preferably something above the poverty level! First of all, . . . Secondly, health care should be a right to all persons, not a privilege of the wealthy. This seems quite obvious, but given the vehemence of American outcries against "socialized medicine", it is necessary to state the obvious. . . . Keep in mind, however, that by far the most expensive health care system in the world is also the most privatised (and it is not a particularly effective system, either, judging from the indicators). Precept 2: Education, Education, Education Yes, schools need more--and, especially, more equitable--funding. No, money is not the answer. Money can only accomplish so much. While it is doubtful that children can learn in unsafe, dilapidated buildings with only a few decaying "See Dick run" books, it is equally doubtful that What is needed is more efficient, more effective school system. Generally speaking, America's school system has little to do with education but a whole lot to do with creating capitalist slaves. The reproductive function of schooling is most obvious in vocational "tracking" programs, which train working-class students for working-class careers. The college-prep kids fare no better. In high school and often earlier, they develop career goals, take career assessment tests, and are often advised to structure their college plans based on projected employability. College is damn expensive, they are told, but the returns on investment are high, since decent employment is this day and age demands a college degree. But, hell, everyone has four-year degree these days, so let's say you'll need your master's, your doctrate . . . better stay in school forever and earn yourselve a massive debt--but why? Precept 3: Leisure, Leisure, Leisure In general, it is during leisure, not work, that self-actualisation is accomplished. Unfortunately, however, some work will always be required, even in utopia. Society would cease to function if, say under a guaranteed minimum income system, all workers chose to quit their jobs for a life of education, art, and adventure. Automation of labour, it must be pointed out, is a good thing. A very good thing. Labour-saving technology that expedites the worker's work but does not replace him is second best. . . . Outsourcing of jobs is not as good as automation, but it still pretty good. (If George W. Bush did anything good for America during his first term, it was not that he killed foreigners, killed Americans, violated civil liberties, or violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment; it was that he "lost jobs", as the critics put it.) One stipulation, however, is that foreigners, as much as Americans, deserve fair wages and work hours. Nevertheless, companies tend to relocate to impoverished areas in which wages far short of a decent American wage could still provide a substantial increase in living standards. . . Far superior to foreign slave labour is the removal of trade barriers. Ideally, . Practically speaking, the political element of international trade is an issue demanding constant consideration. . . . In general, the causes of corporate downsizing are good. The failure of a company Precept 4: No Dogmatic Censorship of Knowledge Precept 5: Secular Government Supposedly, the United States maintains a separation between church and state--ha! Take one look at the federal government (and at the electorate and its rationale for its grevious decisions) and tell me that this is the case. The fundies will be quick to criticise that "'separation of church and state' is not in the Constitution", and in the details they are correct--but the First Amendment does state that "Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Moreover, the United States Constitution is not the final arbitrator of moral concerns! Luciferian Perfectionists strive for a universal ethic, one that predated the United States and will succeed it. The Christian ethic states that what is right is whatever is decreed by an absolute despot--even when this despot decrees bigotry, hatred, or the unconditional slaughter of a despised out-group. The morals of the Bible have no place anywhere in a civil society, least of all at the forefront of politics. (And the same could be said of any authoritarian religion--Islam, most certainly.) It must be noted, however, a government founded upon non-religious dogmatism is equally reprehensible. Soviet Communism. Enough said. Where exactly Precept 5 falls with regard to policy reform is difficult to say. Faith-based initiatives must go, for sure. Weird concepts such as "ensoulment" have no place in medicine, and . . . Churches should be taxed like any other corporation. But how does one transform the mental backwardness of a frighteningly large group of Americans? Not through policy, not through force. The Luciferian Perfectionist Order suggests education, free-speech, and empathetic understanding of divergent worldviews. Precept 6: The Sanctity of Persons
Note that our suggested reforms do not force Luciferian Perfectionist behavior upon any individuals. Under egalitarian perfectionism, individuals can still choose ignorance, dogmatic religion, mindless entertainment, wantonness, etc. Of course, we hope that more will choose to adopt the Luciferian lifestyle! All we ask, however, is for a society in which all members are free to make this choice. |